Care of Magical Creatures O.W.L. Answers Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery

By | April 13, 2019

Walkthrough for exam of Care of Magical Creatures O.W.L. Answers Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery – test your knowledge of the needs, habitats, and behaviours of magical creatures in this Ordinary Wizarding Levels (O.W.L.s) ! remember to revise and prepare with your friends before you do it, because the answer for each question is in there ! so get a good grade to decide for follow-up careers advice !
if you want to cheat to get Outstanding from written exam and practical exam, you can look the guide here 🙂

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Care of Magical Creatures OWL Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery

  • How often does a Streeler’s shell change colour ?
  • x Every Minute
    x Every Day
    o Every Hour

  • Porlocks guard heards of what non-magical creatures ?
  • o Horses
    x Sheep
    x Cattle

  • Which of the following creatures eat Fairy Eggs ?
  • x Fire Crabs
    o Bowtruckles
    x Augureys

  • Bowtruckles are especially fond of what tree ?
  • o Wiggentrees
    x Cedar
    x Ash

Professor Tofty from Wizarding Examinations Authority will watch your O.W.L.s exams. The series of exams that determine your skill in a particular subject ! Each subject has both a written and practical exam, which are used to measure your aptitude for more advanced work. Upon the completion of your exam, you will be assigned one of six scores for each subject

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Care of Magical Creatures O.W.L.

Three passing scores : Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, and Acceptable…
Three failing scores : Poor, Dreadful, and Troll

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Your score is in a subject will determine whether you will be allowed to continue on to N.E.W.T. level coursework. As some careers require certain marks in N.E.W.T. level classes, you can see why your O.W.L.s are important. Your future here at Hogwarts and post-graduation depends on them, so take them seriously!