Today 4 Pics 1 Word Daily Puzzle December 10 2023 Answer : CINNAMON
Cuddle up, get cozy ! 8 letters word pictures description with four pics on word december 10 2023 clue : homemade delicious cinnamon rolls bun with cinnamon sticks, female hands make candle decorated with cinnamon sticks, woman standing at kitchen table and sprinkling apple slices on round top tray of food dryer with cinnamon powder, girl in a warm sweater is holding a glass of mulled wine with cinnamon sticks. Today’s Daily Puzzle could make you smarter
4 Pics 1 Word Cuddle up, get cozy 2023
what’s the word 4 pics 1 word daily challenge picture december 10 2023 cheats with photo images :
1. Sweet rolls with cinnamon and cocoa filling
2. Girl in a bright sweater decorate a candle with using cinnamon sticks
3. Hand of housewife sprinkling ground cinnamon on fresh apple slices on top tray of fruit dryer while preparing homemade provision
4. Woman in a warm sweater is holding in her hands a cup of aromatic hot mulled wine on the background of a Christmas tree with lights
december 2023 4 pics 1 word daily challenge 12/10/23 LOTUM GMBH brain & puzzle game 8 letters cheat answers : CINNAMON
Earn christmas socks and collect all the special edition stickers!
Time for relaxation on December 2023 ! Grab a blanket and make yourself comfortable on the couch ! Collect woolen socks and other cuddly stickers ! Now continue to 4 pics 1 word december 9 2023