5 Clues 1 Word Level 9 Answers

By | December 25, 2014

Clue for 5 Clues 1 Word Level 9 Answers to help you guess the word from 5 related puzzle clue, if you reveal fewer clues then you can earn more coins. Therefore if you’re out of coins and can’t use the hint clue then find all the word solutions for each level here. Each level contain 20 words that need to solve by revealing word that related to the answer.
5 Little Clues 1 Word by Second Gear Games on iphone and android

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5 clues 1 word level 9 cheats
5 clues 1 word 9-1 : pendulum face railway water grandfather = clock
5 clues 1 word 9-2 : salt dry cereal hard oat = grain
5 clues 1 word 9-3 : tv tour mountain wilderness safari = guide
5 clues 1 word 9-4 : machine shoulder printing pass perma = press
5 clues 1 word 9-5 : butcher swiss butter blade pocket = knife

5 clues 1 word 9-6 : bad house catcher interpretation day = dream
5 clues 1 word 9-7 : bite snow white fern wind = frost
5 clues 1 word 9-8 : refreshing walker daytime deep deprivation = sleep
5 clues 1 word 9-9 : page space cartridge key scrabble piece = blank
5 clues 1 word 9-10 : police collection sheriff pinning military = badge

5 clues 1 word 9-11 : consolation grand third first winning = prize
5 clues 1 word 9-12 : high person lift office lounge = chain
5 clues 1 word 9-13 : rose color tomato cross blood = red
5 clues 1 word 9-14 : wind round kite knight ballistic = shield
5 clues 1 word 9-15 : white pita wheat crumbs sourdough = bread

5 clues 1 word 9-16 : night kingdom show number tricks = magic
5 clues 1 word 9-17 : exotic badminton call migration song = bird
5 clues 1 word 9-18 : training hot bull domestic show = dog
5 clues 1 word 9-19 : blue cake cream wedge grilled = cheese
5 clues 1 word 9-20 : marsh lily water curlew moss = bog

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Each bite-size puzzle consists of 5 Little Clues: synonyms, popular expressions or word association. Can you guess the word?
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